The first 21 Jump Street film took me by surprise and was much funnier than it had any right to be. The sequel is not quite as good, but certainly delivers on the laughs, especially any scene with Jillian Bell. During some trips to New Orleans, I visited a few locations.
Our first location is “21 Jump Street” that was also used in the original film. This is St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church located at 222 North Roman Street in New Orleans.

Through movie magic, they walk across to the street to “22 Jump Street” which is a completely different location. This is the St. Maurice Catholic Church located on St. Maurice Avenue between Chartes Street and Royal Street.

Most of the college campus scenes were shot at Loyola University and Tulane University in New Orleans.

The fraternity house next to campus at 4 Everett Place.

This quad was used extensively in Happy Death Day.

The building on the left is the Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life.

The library is Percival Stern Hall.

When visiting Sony Studios, you can see this helmet car!

This is the front side of the Lavin Bernick Center.

Back to the Academic Quad at Loyola University.

Nick Offerman as Deputy Chief Hardy.
Some wardrobe and props on display at Sony Studios.