Today marks the anniversary of Killer Klowns From Outer Space, originally released on May 27, 1988. I visited most of these locations five years ago, but just now getting around to posting them.
First up is the Big Top Burger, which had some renovations since filming. It is located at 300 East Lake Avenue in Watsonville, California. (I was getting crap from a couple locals for taking pictures, so I only have a few shots of this one.)

Also in Watsonville is this intersection across from the Goodwill store located at 470 Main Street.

The next shot is a driveby shot past the county bank, now an antique store located at 4747 Soquel Drive in Soquel, California.

Back in Watsonville, the police station is located at 231 Union Street.

The gazebo is also in Watsonville at the park at 358 Main Street.

We shift back to Soquel where the cops drive by the barbershop at 4716 Soquel Drive.

Another visit to Big Top Burger and the police station….

Back in Soquel, the cops drive by the fire station located at 4747 Soquel Ddrive.

And back to the same corner in Soquel where the cops drive around the bank, now antique store.

Back in Watsonville, this alley is next to the building at 18 East Lake Avenue.

Across the street, this is in front of 25 East Lake Avenue in Watsonville.

For the finale, we shift to Santa Cruz, California. This is shot on the 100 block of Cooper Street.

This is the corner of the building at 115 Cooper Street in Santa Cruz.

Cooper Street was used extensively for the parade scene, but apparently there was a fire as part of it was destroyed and rebuilt as evidence in the last shot from a picture I found online.

For the final scene we go to the Santa Cruz boardwalk, best known for The Lost Boys and Jordan Peele’s Us. The Super Sundae shop is either moved or possibly changed to another dessert scene. Hot Dog On A Stick is still there though!

The lovely Suzanne Snyder!
Special thanks to Paul for finding Debbie’s house, located at 615 California Street in Santa Cruz, California. I haven’t been to this one, so a Google view shot for now.
Horror’s Hallowed Grounds’ Sean Clark owns a couple of the props from the film!