Today marks the 10th anniversary for the wide release of The Descendants. Directed by Alexander Payne, he once again provides a great character drama and instead of the typical Midwestern locale, this time it is set in Hawaii. During a trip a few years ago, I went to several of the locations.
George Clooney’s house is located at 3849 Old Pali Road in Honolulu. Unfortunately, on the day of my visit they were filming so i couldn’t get very good shots.

Iani’s house is located at 3745 Maunaloa Avenue in Honolulu.

The “running around the corner” scene was shot at 3654 Nuuanu Pali Drive in Honolulu. They even have a sign up for Clooney’s Corner!

His freinds’ house is at 155 Dowsett Avenue in Honolulu.

The bridge is just up the block from the house on Pelekane Drive.

Brian’s house is located at 4328 Pāpū Circle in Honolulu.

The house for sale is located at 4420 Aukai Avenue in Honolulu.

We now move over to Kauai and begin at the airport at 3901 Mokulele Loop in Lihue, Hawaii.

Their landis near Molehu Point overlooking Kipu Kai Beach.

Our rental property was in Princeville, which was used in a montage of scenes.

The St Regis Hotel is located at 5520 Ka Haku Road in Princeville.

The jogging scene was shot at Hanalei Beach.

The rental cottage is located at 5020 Weke Road in Hanalei.

Back to the beach in front of the cottage…

…and on the street side to the cottage.

The restaurant is located at 5-5134 Kuhio Highway in Hanalei.

Matthew Lillard
Alexander Payne