San Francisco

Zodiac (2007)

Today marks the anniversary of David Fincher’s Zodiac (2007). I have been to many of these locations over a decade ago, but finally got around to do a proper page for them. This is one of my favorite films and it has held up well over time.

I was the first to find this opening scene by looking at a lot of behind-the-scenes featurettes and finally tracked the street down. The shot begins at the house at 3930 Gundry Avenue in Long Beach, California.

The tracking shot ends at Mike’s house at 3964 Gundry Avenue.

The diner is located at 4390 Atlantic Avenue in Long Beach.

Robert and his son get in the car to go to school in front of 1406 Kellam Avenue in Los Angeles.

The school is located at 460 Arguello Boulevard in San Francisco, California.

And the reverse shot looking across the street…

The San Francisco Chronicle is located at 901 Mission Street. (Interiors were shot at 900 North Alameda in Los Angeles.)

This is shot from the front of Chronicle looking at the corner of Mission and Mint Streets.

This is actually the back of the Chronicle on Minna Street.

A few more shots of the Chronicle…

And just up the street is the bar is at 447 Minna Street, also behind the Chronicle.

Morti’s bar makes another appearance later in the movie.

The bus scene was shot next to 908 Douglas Street in Los Angeles.

The thrift store location was at 2501 Irving Street in San Francisco.

Original Joe’s was located at 144 Taylor Street in San Francisco.

The Riverside Police Department was shot at 4130 Overland Avenue in Culver City. This spot was also seen in Feud.

I believe the trailer park was shot at 8250 Lankershim Boulevard in Los Angeles.

The theater exterior was filmed at 295 Bay Street in San Francisco. (The interiors were shot at 10925 Lindbrook Drive in Los Angeles).

For the evening shots at the Washington and Cherry scene, it was nearly all filmed on a set with greenscreen.

Later they do go to the actual intersection in San Francisco.

This scene was shot at 3701 Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. It has been seen in many films, most notable Earthquake and more recently in Impeachment.

This scene was shot at 350 McAllister Street in San Francisco.

No matching shots here, but this was shot in front of the Warner Grand Theatre at 478 West 6th Street in San Pedro. This was seen in Feud and Madonna’s photo shoot for the Blond Ambition Tour.

I’m not 100% sure, but I feel this scene was shot at 912 Douglas Street in Los Angeles. They shot several scenes near this corner, so I figured it is probably it.

The Vallejo Police Department was shot at 44420 West 126th Street in Hawthorne, California. This was best known as the police department in True Blood, and during my visit it was still stenciled for that production.

This building has since been demolished and replaced with a hotel.

The hardware store was shot at 3948 Tweedy Boulevard in South Gate, California. An employee was actually making keys during my visit!

The Ontario Airport was shot at…. the Ontario Airport! Well, the old one at least, located at 1940 Moore Way in Ontario, California.

My foggy shot reminiscent of this frame and poster from Zodiac….

Actors Dermot Mulroney and Charles Fleischer