Today marks the 60th anniversary since the world premiere of PSYCHO. Not much can be said that hasn’t already been documented about this monumental film, but needless to say, it’s one of my all-time favorites.
The film begins high above Phoenix and lands on a hotel at 101 South Central Avenue. This is probably my worst shot of the bunch as I did a quick drive-by when I was there.

One of my favorite location visits, although I didn’t angle it quite right with the light pole, or maybe the pole was moved, but either way this is on Gorman Post Road in Gorman, California.

Not much has changed over the years thankfully.

Janet Leigh was never actually at this location, it was all screens and movie magic.

The car dealership is located at 4270 Lankershim Boulevard. The garage part of the building still exists, although they built on to where the car port used to be located.

The restaurant across the street has been replaced by another car dealership.

Ahhh, the Bates Motel. A favorite spot at Universal Studios, this isn’t the original structure of the motel. Even for Psycho II, they only built a small part of it and the rest was created in matte painting. It wasn’t until Psycho III that the entire motel facade was built.

This wasn’t the original spot for the motel during PSYCHO, but more on that location later.

The iconic Bates house! It’s been renovated several times thankfully over the years. It originally only had two sides, the front and the left, that you see in the film.

Goofy, yes, but Norman Bates is usually around when the studio tram goes by…

I may have to be corrected here, but I believe the Psycho house used to be where the “Best Little Whorehouse” currently sits.

I had the pleasure to meet Marli Renfro, who was Janet Leigh’s body double for a lot of the shower scene.
Some pictures throughout the years visiting the Psycho house as well as some props and wardrobe on display.