James Wan’s Malignant took streamers by storm this year. I had not watched it until someone sent me a couple screenshots of the main house to find. After I located it, I thought I might as well watch the movie. Although it is supposed to be set in Seattle and besides for a few establishing shots, it was (surprise) shot in the Los Angeles area.
The main house is located at 510 Lockehaven Street in Pasadena, California. When I saw the shot of her driving to the house, I felt like the street looked like Pasadena and my hunch proved correct!

Dr. Weaver’s house is located at 1686 Homewood Drive in Altadena, California. Just down the road from grandma’s house in Poltergeist II, apparently this location was also used in Say Anything.

UPDATE: This house was destroyed in the January 2025 fires.
The second doctor’s apartment is at 855 South Serrano Avenue in Los Angeles. Supposedly next to the Silvercup apartments, I recognized this location from The Bad Seed and Fright Night Part II.

The other doctor’s apartment is located at 217 East 8th Street in Downtown Los Angeles. I wasn’t able to stop and get proper shots, but here are a few for reference.

And finally the police station is located at 1200 South Hope Street in Los Angeles. This was also used as an apartment building in Supergirl.