Today marks the anniversary of Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead, released March 19, 2004. I went to a few of the locations while visiting Toronto in 2015.
The hospital is actually a library, located at 7755 Bayview Avenue in Thornhill, Ontario.

Ana’s neighborhood is in Caledon, Ontario.

Ana’s house is at 5 Garden Wood Avenue in Caledon, Ontario.

The neighbor’s house is at 10 Garden Wood Avenue.

She does drive around the actual block in the movie!

The park is located just north of the “hospital” and is at 7925 Bayview Avenue in Markham, Ontario. The swings were still there during my visit, but have since been replaced with a modern playground.

The tunnel is next to the park and connects to the Susannah McLaren Park at 121 Tamarack Drive in Thornhill, Ontario.

The street above them is Bayview Avenue.

Of course, the mall was CGI’d into this shot. The actual mall was demolished shortly after filming.