Today marks the anniversary for the release of When A Stranger Calls. Whether it’s a true life incident or urban legend, the opening act has become iconic as well as the line, “Have you checked the children?”
I went to a few of these locations years ago, so not quite screen-matched as I would like. I didn’t cover Torchy’s or any of the downtown shots as most no longer exist.
Unfortunately, the house from the opening scenes was demolished years ago, and only this one picture has been found. It was located at 321 S Chadbourne Avenue in Los Angeles.

Here is what the street and house looks like now.

Dr. Mandrakis’ new house is at AT 472 N. Barrington Avenue.

Jill’s new house is at 2722 Club Drive.

The restaurant was L'Orangerie was located 903 N La Cienega Boulevard. It is also now gone, but found some pictures online to share here.