This year marks the 40th anniversary of This House Possessed. This television movie is quite memorable and the blood shower scene scarred me for life I think! A few years ago I visited a few of the filming locations.
Most of the movie was shot in Rancho Santa Fe, California.

This scene was shot in front of 6024 Paseo Delicias in Rancho Santa Fe.

This was shot near the end of the Paseo Deicias.

The building scene in the background is at 6027 Paseo Delicias.

This is at the corner of Avenida De Acacias and La Sendita.

The library is located at 17040 Avenida De Acacias.

The city office is located at 17022 Avenida De Acacias.

The house is located at 7010 El Camino Del North in Rancho Santa Fe. The gate is as close as I could get!

When the house was for sale, the following photos were published online:

Lisa Eilbacher
Parker Stevenson
Amanda Wyss