“I’ll just die if I don’t get this recipe. I’ll just die if I don’t get this recipe.”
I’m not sure the first time I saw The Stepford Wives as a child, but it definitely left an impression on me. It still holds up as one of my favorites and spawned several sequels including Revenge of the Stepford Wives and The Stepford Children.
A friend reached out as he was headed back east and wanted to visit some locations. While some have been know for a while (The Men’s Association and the grocery store), I don’t believe any of the houses had been found, or at the very least published. So I used my location sleuthing and was able to figure out most of the spots.
The photos below are all provided by Angel Rincon unless otherwise noted. Thank you, Angel, for taking these great shots!
First up is their apartment located at 325 West End Avenue in New York Ciyt.

Joanna takes pictures at the corner of West End Avenue and West 75th Street.

We arrive in Stepford at the Eberhart’s new house. Here they turn from Mine Hill Road to their house at 3455 Congress Street in Fairfield, Connecticut.

This is the other end of the driveway looking at the garages. It looks like they expanded from a two to three car garage since filming.

Right across the street we get our first look at the Van Sant house at 3420 Congress Street.

The Eberhart kids get on the bus for school…

Carol Van Sant doing some yardwork…

The grocery store scenes were shot at 25 Old King’s Highway North in Darien, Connecticut… appropriately title the Goodwives Shopping Center.

The party scene was shot at 38 Langner Lane in Weston, Connecticut. Angel was able to get a shot of the front of the house, but not able to access the back. There is still a pool back there; the second photo taken from a realty page when the house was for sale.

Long gone is the Daybreak Nurseries, originally located at 500 Main Street in Westport, Connecticut. The picture below is from an old Google Street View, it has since been redeveloped into housing.

Another look at the Van Sant house…

Joanna goes to the Atkinson Gallery which was located at 1018 Madison Avenue in New York; photos take for reference from Google Street View.

Joanna and Bobby walk in front of this church located at 1045 Old Academy Road in Fairfield, Connecticut.

When looking for houses, they stop by this home at 352 Random Road in Fairfield, Connecticut.

Joanna backs into the Van Sant mailbox…

The psychiatrist’s house is at 367 Newton Turnpike in Weston, Connecticut.

The Men’s Association is at 295 West Avenue in Norwalk, Connecticut.

In real life, this is the Lockwood Mathews Mansion and is open for tours.

Thanks again, Angle, for providing fans these location pics.

UPDATE: A couple of additions below.
First, thanks to a fan for locating this spot during the credits, located at 363 Black Rock Turnpike in Easton, Connecticut.
I also found one of the factories seen in the film. This one is actually a high school located at 23 Calvin Murphy Drive in Norwalk, Connecticut.