The Star Chamber was released on this day, August 5, 1983. This was one of those movies that was continually on cable, that I feel still holds up pretty well.
The film begins at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Kearney Street outside of Downtown Los Angeles.

The alley chase begins at North Boyle Avenue towards Echandia Street, just south of Pennsylvania Avenue.

he chase crosses Echandia Street towards Michigan Avenue.

The chase continues up the back steps and through the house at 1441 Pleasant Avenue.

The chase ends at the garbage can in front of 1706 Kearney Street.

Later in the movie, they travel to the corner of Hollywood and Highland in Los Angeles.

They pull over a van behind HOllywood High school on Hawthorne Avenue near Highland Avenue.

The final scene takes place at 4252 Country Club Drive in Long Beach, California. This house is best known as Jim’s house in Donnie Darko.

Yaphet Kotto as Harry Lowes
Joe Regalbuto as ARthur Cooms