I had been working on locations for Postcards From The Edge off and on, but honestly was just being a bit lazy about some of them. Just days after the heartbreaking death of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, I was in town to finish up the location visits. While the film never reaches the acerbic witty heights of the novel, you can't go wrong with Shirley MacLaine and Meryl Streep...
First up is the movie-within-a-movie scene where Meryl an friends get off a helicopter. This spot is on the Terreana Bluffs in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. It's absolutely beautiful there and recommend people visit whether they are into locations or not. Many productions have shot there including The Lost Boys and V: The Series. This area was once the site of Marineland which closed in the mid-80's with some of the main structures demolished immediately. But a lot of the remnants remained for nearly two decades until a new resort was built on the property in 2009.

The main house used in the movie is located at 243 Delfern Drive in the Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles. I had to do some digging at the time to find this house, but it has a Hollywood history as well...

The house was owned by Connie Stevens since 1974 and only sold it a couple of years ago. When it was listed for sale, some interior photographs were published and I shared a few below for reference, including the staircase with the iconic line, "It twirled up!"

Suzanne is back on the set, all which were shot at Warner Bros. in Burbank, California. She first wanders outside onto the western set, which is no longer in existence at the studio and is now called Warner Village. I have a couple shots from one of my first visits that I've included for reference.

Next, Suzanne overhears the wardrobe talking about her weight gain. This appears to be next to Stage 22, which Stage 21 in the background.

Next she meets up with Dennis Quaid again on the Warner Brothers backlot, this time on Midwest Street. This area has undergone quite a bit of renovation of the past few years, so I've included many different photos so you can see how it has changed.

Meryl and Dennis continue up the street. Although the houses in the back have been replaced, the houses immediately to their left and right have remained intact since filming.

Meryl goes to her car which is parked behind the church, best known for it's brief appearance in The Lost Boys.

Annette Benning has a great one-scene-only appearance in the movie. This was shot on Ashley Boulevard/Brownstone Street at Warner Brothers.

Back to the house where Suzanne leaves but quickly stops and throws up down the street.

Later in the film, Suzanne returns home to see her mother's car has smashed into a tree. This is just down the block from the house at the corner of Delfern and Baroda Drive.

Here is the reverse shot as she drives up and talks to the police officer...

And where she peels away to go to the hospital. You can see the white brick entrance to the driveway to the house on the right...

Just because, me at the house!
The documentary, Bright Lights, was on HBO the first night on my recent visit, so I decided to stop by the gate of Carrie Fisher's home the next morning...
The memorial service was happening during my visit, so I wasn't able to go at the time, but my friend James took this photograph of the memorial of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher at Forest Lawn.