A few years ago I visited some locations used in William Castle/Joan Crawford classic, Strait-Jacket. Although shot mostly on a studio, there were a few locations used.
Lucy & Carol go shopping in downtown Riverside, California. The street is now a pedestrian walk and some buildings obscured by trees.

The Fields family house is located at 4600 Crestmore Road in Riverside, California.
The driveway is a bit a different and there is no longer a gate at the top of the porch, but still looks about the same.

These great trees are still there!

It appears they used background plates from the location for driving scenes.

Most of the scenes closer to the door were likely shot on the studio. You can see how the inside staircase differs from that of the one they used on the set.

Although likely also shot on the set, I couldn’t help but recreate the final moments of the film!

Lucky to meet the lovely Diane Baker!
Love Columbia actually did this at the end.