Sixteen Candles (1984) came out at the perfect time for me as I was an awkward 14-year-old getting ready for his first year of high school in the fall. I’ve been to a few of the locations for the film during one of my trips to Chicago to see Madonna. Thanks to Chas at for driving me to these spots.
First up is Sammy Baker’s house, located at 3022 Payne Street in Evanston, Illinois.

Jake (sigh) Ryan’s house is located at 1407 Waverly Road in Highland Park, Illinois.

The nerdy friends’ house is located at 1411 Sycamore Lane in Northbrook, Illinois.

The church is located at 263 Park Street in Glencoe, Illinois.

The church is right next to the train station from She’s Having A Baby.

Not sure why this didn’t appear to be covered, and I didn’t even visit this spot myself, but the parking lot across from her church (“You go to church?”) is actually across the street from the church. These are Google streetview shots for comparison.

The one and only, Anthony Michael Hall, soon to be “Tommy Doyle” in Halloween Kills.
Don’t we all still pine after Jake Ryan?