Happy anniversary to Robocop 2, released June 22, 1990. There were three anniversaries today, so I am getting this one done at the eleventh hour. Although the original Robocop was shot mostly in Dallas with a few LA locations, the sequel was shot mostly in Houston, with a few LA locations as well.
One of the commercials near the opening uses the intersection at Austin Street & McKinney Street in Houston, Texas.

The police station (although not seen in this shot) was a facade built on the corner of La Branch Street and Congress Street in Houston.

The crime scenes start at the corner of Main Street in Prairie Street in Houston.

This scene begins at 914 Prairie Street…

As you can see, the storefronts have changed quite a bit….

Back at the corner of Prairie and Main Streets; the building on corner no longer exisits.

Murphy watches his son as he bikes near the corner of Vermont Street and McDuffie Street in Houston.

He rides his bike home, to 1811 McDuffie Street.

The OCP headquarters was mostly a matte and it appears the original building has been demolished. This is near the Toyota Center Arena downtown.

Back to the police station facade at the corner of La Branch and Congress Streets in Houston.

This is near the corner of Rusk Street and Fannin Street in Downtown Houston…

This scenes is at the corner of Wilson Street and Andrews Street in Houston.

The building he is standing next to is the Saint James United Methodist Church at 1217 Wilson Street.

The building in the background is located at 1417 Congress Street.

This is the corner of Texas Avenue and Austin Street in Houston.

We now switch to Los Angeles for a few scenes….

This was shot near 810 East 3rd Street in downtown Los Angeles.

The building on the right is gone, but the building on the left is at 2233 Jesse Street in Los Angeles.

This is a long shot of the Sixth Street Bridge in Los Angeles, but unfortunately has been demolished.

The next street takes place on Jesse Street, from approximately South Santa Fe Avenue to Mateo Street. They drive right by the grocery store featured in Season 2 of YOU.

This is the corner of Jessse Street and Mateo Street.

In the background you can see the often filmed building at 635 Mateo Street.

Back at Jesse Street; obviously the original building is long gone.

For the life of me I couldn’t get this shot to line up on location!

They changed all the street signs, but you can still see the “600 S” underneath the fake Gould sign.

They filmed this commercial at the Intercontinental Hotel in Century City.

Still in LA, this is the 4th Street bridge.

Back to Houston, city hall is at 901 Bagby Street. They were setting up for a concert, so I couldn’t get very good shots.

The finale of the film was shot in and around the Wortham Theater at 501 Texas Avenue in Houston.

Nancy Allen
Tom Noonan
Ken Lerner