Today marks the anniversary of one of the greatest action films of all time, Raiders of the Lost Ark. I vividly remember leaving the theatre as an 11-year-old exclaiming it was the best movie ever! A few years ago, i was able to visit a couple of the locations for the film.
The opening shot of the Paramount logo fading into the movie was shot near Hokualele Road in Kauai, Hawaii.

The iconic scene of Indiana swinging into the river is on private land but can be visited on the Kipu Ranch Adventures tour.

Dr. Jones house is located at 38 Alder Avenue in San Anselmo, California.

You can visit the plane used in the movie at the Oakland Aviation Museum at 8252 Earhart Road in Oakland, California.

Be sure to visit on the day when you can go inside the plane and sit in Harrison Ford’s seat!

The final full scene takes was shot at San Francisco City Hall. They were setting up a party during my visit, so I wasn’t able to get any unobstructed shots.