Today marks the 35th anniversary for the release of John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness. This may have been my first Carpenter film I saw on the big screen and it has always been a favorite of mine. I’ve been to the locations a few times over the years.
These scenes were shot at the Mission San Fernando Rey at 15151 San Fernando Mission Boulevard in Mission Hills, California. This location was also used as The Alamo in Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure.

At the time, no one had located Brian’s house but I was able to track it down in 2013.

The reverse shot is a matte painting, but based on a real corner at West 36th Street and South Catalina Street in Los Angeles.
The campus scenes were shot at University of Southern California, primarily around the south side of the Town & Gown building.

The interiors were shot at the Science Building.

The church is located at 120 Judge John Aiso Street in Downtown Los Angeles.

The back has undergone some changes.

Although much of the interior were sets, some scenes were shot inside the church.

I was lucky enough to attend a special screening of the movie on location.