Today marks the 30th anniversary of The Indian Runner, the directorial debut of Sean Penn. Shot mostly in Plattsmouth and Omaha, Nebraska, you would think that I would have done these locations long ago, but no… just yesterday! I was in college at the time of filming, but I do remember hearing about them filming in my hometown of Omaha. Below are a few of the locations used in the movie.
This first shot of town is on Main Street in Plattsmouth, Nebraska.

This scene was shot on 3rd Street near 2nd Avenue in Plattsmouth. The area by the railroad tracks has changed since filming.

Only a couple buildings left in this scene, shot near 11th and Dodge Streets in Omaha.

The Delmar Hotel was demolished long ago, but was located at 213 South 24th Street in Omaha.

Not sure on this one, but I think it may have been shot near 10th & Capitol in Omaha.

The staircase and bridge have been updated, but the car fire scene was shot at 10th & Leavenworth Streets in Omaha.

The family house is located at 7634 Highland Street in Ralston, Nebraska.

I love happy accidents and just happened upon this location when I was there, located at 247 Main Street in Plattsmouth.

Unfortunately the beach pavilion is gone and replaced by an RV park, located at 20200 Beach Road in Plattsmouth.

The athletic field was located before the former high school location. This spot is near Washington Avenue and Avenue B in Plattsmouth.

No longer a bar, but it was located at 525 Main Street in Plattsmouth.

The driving scene was on Main Street from 7th to about 12th Streets.

Some shots of downtown Plattsmouth…

The chase scene was at the corner of 6th & Main Streets in Plattsmouth.

I was surprised this was still here, but the tunnel under the railroad still exists on Main Street.