One of the weaker entries in the series, especially after The Return of Michael Myers, is Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers. I remember going opening night and as every moment passed in the film, the sinking feeling that they had gone so far off the rails it would never come back. In fact, it took six years before they would venture to make another one. Like its predecessor, it was shot in Salt Lake City. I visited a few of the Utah locations in 2008 while I was in the area for the Sundance Film Festival but went back in July 2017, so you will see a mix of winter and summer pictures in some comparisons.
After a quick recall of the previous film's ending, we now see Michael crawling out of the mineshaft (?) as they throw grenades after him (!) and he barely gets out in time. Right away, you knew things were amiss in this sequel! This sequence was shot in the Storm Mountain picnic area on Big Cottonwood Road (yes, the same road as Smiths Grove in Halloween 6). I tried my best to find the exact spot, but couldn't get everything to match up. The first couple pics are the area where I think he crawled out of the crevice, but it is now covered in lots of foliage. If you follow that area down a bit, some rocks appear to line up, but I can't say for certain this is the exact location.

The Children's Clinic is actually the Olmsted Hydroelectric Plant, located at 1018 North 1630 East Street in Orem, Utah. Not open to the public, I tried to get some shots but didn't get anything good. Special thanks to Kevin Wellard for letting me use his pictures for reference here.

We are back at the Carruther's house where Rachel is coming home by herself. Are those the worst parents or what, leaving their daughters to fend for themselves a year after the horrific events they barely survived. Or maybe they are part of the thorn cult.... Anyways, we are back at same location in Halloween 4 at 509 3rd Avenue in Salt Lake City.

A quick point-of-view to the buildings across the street as Rachel darts for safety.... the semi creepy neighbor next door.

Clown cops.... I just... can't....

What's as bad as clown cops? Tiiiinnnnaaaa......

You kids get outta my yard!!

We make a quick return to Vincent Drug at 7696 Main Street West in Midavle, Utah. Sadly, the actual sign is gone.

The buildings across the street have been demolished and replaced. (For fans of The Stand, the building in the background is where Shawnee Smith was in the window shooting a gun.) Here is the spot where the man-in-black steps off the bus and kicks a dog.

We finally return to the Myers house to find... well it is about ten times the size as when we last saw it. Are we sure Dr. Loomis has the right house? It is located at 1007 1st Avenue North in Salt Lake City.

Michael catches up with the kids at the liquor store. Wait... how did he know to go there and wait for them to show up?

The store is located at 89 D Street East in Salt Lake City.

Those crazy kids...

Mike watches those pesky cops drive by.....

Goofiness with subliminal homoerotic tones continue with these two....

Mike unnecessarily peels around the corner to load up the beer.

Michael has had enough of their shenanigans.

They actually shot this behind the store. This scene was oddly lighted as I'm sure they were shooting night-for-day, it just didn't look right.

Here's the approximate spot where Mike met Michael...

No more tree, but still looks about the same back here.

The man-in-black watches Michael pull up to the Carruther's house to pick up Tina. Wait, what? How did he know... oh, nevermind.

Michael peels off with Tina while the man-in-black walks across the street to the house. To do what? I don't know, maybe getting Rachel's body to prop it up in the Myers mansion?

Cookie Woman... A bit of location fail here, but I think I subconsciously put little effort into recreating shots for this location as the building has been replaced. It was located on the corner of South 200 East and East 600 South (WTF is it with these Salt Lake streets?).

Billy runs into Jamie at the corner of East 1st Avenue and R Street in Salt Lake.

The Tower Farm! Located at 114 South 2250 West in Ogden, the house and area is virtually the same.

This door is on the opposite side of the house you usually see for the other exteriors.

The barn! ...and clown cops...

No party going on tonight...

Want to go in the barn? I was only able to match up a few spots in the film. It was kind of confusing as the areas they used the most were on the other side of the haystacks.

Jamie and Billy make their way to Tower Farm. I hate to tell them, but it's actually 40 miles away. We are at the same corner we previously saw them, but now they are running north on R Street.

And because I'm that guy, screenshots for the behind the scenes footage.

Back at Tower Farm, where Michael has also had enough of the clown cops.

These kids are making a mad dash for the spring to go skinny dipping. Everyone forgets about Tina and leaves her. Or... it is Tina, so maybe it was intentional.

Jamie and Billy ran 40 miles, but they finally made it to the farm!

Michael disregards pedestrians having the right of way....

Tina runs from Michael into the field. The owner came by while we were there and said they brought all those trees in just for the shoot. I flipped a couple shots as they used mirrors for some scenes to ensure the kids were in less danger, but not all the images were flipped back for the final film.

This is the area on the other side of the field where Michael chases Jamie and drives the car into a tree. Unsurprisingly, I didn't match up (or try) any shots, but this gives you a general idea of what it looks like back there.

Back to the Myers (ahem) house, where Jamie will act as bait for Michael.

All the cops are brought out of hiding to go to the clinic. These 30-seconds became the basis for the whole campaign of the film, making it seem a major part of the plot. "This time, they're ready." Well, not really.

At this point, Dr. Loomis is also fed up with the plot.

A quick shot of the police racing up the street - the same one used for the Cookie Woman location.

99% of the police force leave the Myers mansion...

As much as I hate this house switcheroo, it does photography nicely...

This is where the Haddonfield Police Station was located and replaced with nondescript beauty. I should give a shout out to MrH from the OHMB boards here for finding this and so many of these locations - a true master. It is located at 437 Wasatch Drive in Layton, Utah.

Throughout my travels, I have gone to some horror movie conventions and specifically the Halloween ones. Below are some of the cast I have met over the years.

For fans wanting to make the trek to locations, I keep a map updated with all known Halloween locations, click the pic below!