Although the sequel was shot a year after the original film, The Gate II sat on the shelf for a couple years and released in 1990. Although it's not a bad film for the era or its genre, it just wasn't as good as the first movie. (You can also check out my location visit for The Gate.) I was dealing with a very shoddy version of the film, so I really only have one location for this one to check out...
Terry (Louis Tripp) returns for the sequel. His house is actually seen in the background in the original film and is just up the street from the first house location. It is located at 157 McClure Drive in King City, Ontario.

The owner was at home during my visit and was gracious enough to let me take pictures all over the property. He shared some stories of the production as he was homeowner at the time. Here is a shot from the porch when Terry's dad leaves.

Here on the back deck, Terry's dad throws away his liquor...

Here is a shot of the front of the house on a rainy day in the movie....

And a better shot of the house in the sun...

Here is a scene where Terry is walking through his yard. The house that is seen boarded up in the background is supposed to be the original house, but that home is actually a few houses up on the same street.

Terry continues to the side of his house where he is confronted by John...

More shots from the side of the house...

And the fight continues into the backyard...

And finally one more shot of the house at the end of the movie...

Hopefully The Gate II will get a proper release sometime soon, especially since the original is getting a good blu-ray treatment.