Today marks the 35th anniversary for the release of Fatal Beauty. Directed by Tom Holland, the project was going to star Cher, who left to do Moonstruck. This has always been a favorite of mine and it’s as late 80’s as you can get. I went to many of these locations over ten years ago, so not my best work, but here ya go.
The Chinatown scenes were shot on the 600 block of North Spring Street in Los Angeles.

This was the gourmet shop, located at 8365 West 3rd Street.

The mansion has undergone a lot of renovation but was located at 1288 South Oakland Avenue in Pasadena. I also featured this spot recently for The Beverly Hillbillies.

The house was originally near the corner of Colton and North Boylston Street.

A few spots on Melrose Avenue….

My favorite location in the film is St. Vincent Court at 317 West 7th Street in Downtown Los Angeles.

The Linda Vista Hospital was located at 610 South St. Louis Street in Los Angeles. Now called Hollenbeck Terrace, tit houses senior living apartments.

What you may not know is that Fatal Beauty lead to what Chucky is today when Tom Holland cast Brad Dourif.