Today marks twenty-years since the release of The Evening Star, sequel to the much beloved Terms of Endearment. While the film never nears the emotional and dramatic heights of the original, it was good to see what happened to the characters. And Shirley MacLaine is always fantastic of course. When I was in Houston for the first time earlier in the year to see Madonna, I took the opportunity to visit some of the locations in the film.
First up is Aurora Greenway's house. Unfortunately, the production was not able to use the original house. They found a substitute a couple miles away and coincidentally, the owner was the daughter of the original film's house owner. Double-unfortunately, the house is gone and replaced with a modern home. The great tree is still there to at least give some idea of the original location. The house is located at 2349 Tangley Road in Houston, Texas.

One location I was not able to visit was the Sugar Land prison, for obvious reasons, but it is located at One Circle Drive in Sugar Land, Texas.
Back to Tangley Road where Aurora comes home and sees Bruce's car in the driveway.

Finding Jerry Bruckner's house was not too difficult thanks to the house number both see and heard, it is located at 3106 Beauchamp Street in Houston.

Jerry's house looks nearly identical, but there are lot more plants and foliage now.

On a subsequent trip, I was able to hit this location at Rice University located at 6100 Main Street in Houston.

Downtown Houston is the location for the next shot at the corner of Main Street & Preston Streets.

Here are a few shots back at the house on Tangley Road.

This first shot of Juliette Lewis is one of my favorites, as she embodies Debra Winger's attitude and posture. This going-away scene is very reminiscent of the first film. I did park my car (not on purpose) in the same spot where Patsy parked hers by the light pole. A lot of the houses on the street have changed and even the building at the end of the streets.

The Pig Stand is no longer standing (no pun intended). It was located at 2412 Washington Avenue in Houston.
"I'm looking for the love of my life." A shot on the driveway at Aurora's home shows the houses across the street have not changed.

A quick exterior shot back at Jerry's house...

Thank you to fans for location the restaurant at 1801 Post Oak Boulevard in Houston. Obvious a lot of renovation has occurred, but you can still see a few pieces from the film.

Another exterior establishing shot of Aurora's house. The interiors of the house as well as the backyard were all built as a set in a warehouse in Houston.

In a dramatic scene in the rain, Aurora takes Rosie from Arthur's house, located next door at 2345 Tangley Road.

Back to Aurora's house where Patsy drives up...

One of the last shots of Aurora's house as she arrives home with Arthur after Rosie's funeral...

In a touching scene between screen greats, Shirley MacLaine and Jack Nicholson, they watch the evening star on a beach in Galveston, Texas.
One of the final locations in the film is Tommy's new house. It is located at 3107 Beauchamp Street, right across the street from Jerry's house.

Here is me and Juliette Lewis...
…and Marion Ross