Today marks the anniversary for John Carpenter’s Christine, released December 9, 1983. Although I’ve been to several locations over the years, I never took any screencaps with me, so not exactly my best work here!
Arnie’s house is at 1037 Buena Vista Street in South Pasadena, California. This is the same neighborhood Carpenter used in Halloween.

Leigh’s house is at 240 West Hillcrest Boulevard in Monrovia, California; not to far from the House house. This was also used as Betty White’s house in You Again with Jamie Lee Curtis.

Dennis’ house is at 1357 North Genesee Avenue in West Hollywood. This was also seen in John Carpenter’s Halloween and is right down the street from Nancy Thompson’s house in A Nightmare On Elm Street.

The liquor store is at 22925 Lyons Avenue in Newhall, California.

The underpass was around the 4200 block of Huntington Drive, but has been demolished since these pictures were taken.

A few of the cast and crew from the movie!