Finally getting around to post some location pics from Captain Marvel. I’m not a superhero fan by any means, but I did enjoy this one and it’s throwback to “my time.” A few of these locations I have visited for other films, so not all the screenshots may match exactly.
The Blockbuster video was filmed at the often-used Valley Plaza. This storefront is at 6321 Laurel Canyon Boulevard in Los Angeles.

During my visit, it was still painted the blue and yellow colors of Blockbuster.

This area was also used heavily for Suburbicon.

You can see the movie theatre across the parking lot, also seen in The Lonely Lady.

The phone booth was next to the building that was at 214 Sylvan Street. It has been torn down since these pictures were taken.

Here they are approaching the train station at 700 S Douglas Street in El Segundo.

These scenes were shot near the corner of North Nash Street and Atwood Way.

I had been to this location before for the bionic dog episode of The Bionic Woman. Magee’s Donuts, seen on the left, is at 1402 West 6th Street near downtown Los Angeles.

The exterior of the bar was filmed at 2763 Sierra Highway in Rosamond.