Yes… the one you’ve all been waiting for…. Baby Geniuses. Today marks the 20th anniversary of this film that’s so bad it’s good. Much to the annoyance to my friends, I would constantly scream Kathleen Turner’s line from the trailer, “Get the baby!” over and over again.
So, it’s been a while since I’ve visited a few of these locations, so I thought the anniversary would be the perfect time to publish these…
First up is one of the locations used as Baby Geniuses Inc. in the opening scene. This is actually the Warner Center Towers at 21650 West Oxnard Street in Woodland Hills, California. Special thanks to Rayen Belchere for getting these shots many years ago for me! FYI, this is right next to one of the early Bird Box filming locations.

The next scene shows the interior of Baby Geniuses. Here we are at the Sony Pictures Plaza in Culver City. This has been used in numerous films, most notably in The Running Man and The Last Action Hero.

The street leading to Toddler’s Hall was immediately familiar as it is the same “speed kills” street from my all time favorite movie, Halloween. This is near the corner of Highland Street and Fairview Avenue in South Pasadena.

The actual house is a different location a few blocks away at 80 Grace Terrace in Pasadena.

Here are some shots of the backyard of the house…

The reverse shots from the house are back on Halloween street where you can distinctly see the house at 1002 Highland Street in the background. This house has been used in many films, most recognizably in Sky High and Rob Zombie’s 2007 remake of Halloween.

Back to Sony Pictures Plaza. Kathleen Turner goes into the same elevator used in The Running Man…

Back to Highland Street in South Pasadena as the limousine backs into a driveway…

This shot of Fairview Avenue is nearly identical to that of Rob Zombie’s Halloween where the girls are walking home…

“Get the baby!”