Happy anniversary to THE BLOB released August 5, 1988. Last year I was asked to do a location extra for the upcoming blu-ray release of THE BLOB. Unfortunately, it wasn’t able to make it on the disc, but I did want to share the locations. If you do want to see the video, you can see it via Dropbox here or click on the title below.
The majority of the exteriors were shot in Abbeville, Louisiana. The opening montage shows several areas around the Madgalene Square.

The cemetery is at the corner of Gauraud Street and Jean Edias Street in Abbeville.

Right next to it is the football field which is the Vermilion Catholic Field on W St Paul Street.

The cafe was just a facade built for the film on Concord Street.

Brian rounds the corner of the Bank of Abbeville at 117 South Jefferson Street.

The theatre was located at 108 South Jefferson Street.

The garage is now a rental hall, located at the corner of West Lafayette Street and South Washington Street.

The Rexall Drugs sign is still there, but it is no longer a pharmacy, located on South State Street next to the Sheriff’s Department.

Next we move to California temporarily. This scene was shot at the La Vina Hospital in Altadena. Halloween fans will recognize this was Smith’s Grove in the original film. Unfortunately, it was demolished long ago.

Back to Louisiana and the Bank of Abbeville, which stood in as the police department in the film.

Although the cafe was fake, the building next to it still exists.

The White House looking building is the Vermilon Parish Clerk of Court, located at 100 North State Street in Abbeville.

Back to the movie theatre in one of the film’s highlights…

Back to California again. This is the Franklin Canyon Park. This has been home to countless productions including Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter, Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning, American Horror Story 1984, and Sleepwalkers.

Back to the corner of Concord Street and South Jefferson Street.

The awesome Shawnee Smith!