As an 80's horror movie lover, I was in heaven with the avalanche of new slasher movies nearly ever week after the release of Scream. Unsurprisingly, Scream 2 was put into motion pretty quickly and released just shy of a year later. I loved this sequel for upping the ante on character and plot, but even more that it ensured a new Halloween was in the works by Dimension. I had been to many of the locations before, but I had been waiting until I visited the main campus until I put it all together. So here we go!
We start at the Rialto Theatre, located at 1023 Fair Oaks Avenue in South Pasadena, California. Although it has been closed since 2007, there are plans to renovate it, fingers crossed. I was lucky enough to see the original Halloween there in 2003 on the 25th anniversary of the movie.

Not sure why I didn't take pictures of the lobby when I was there... well okay, I know why, too many drinks at the VIP Party! But here are some shots of the lobby.

The interior of the theatre was shot at the Vista Theatre, located at 4473 Sunset Drive in Los Angeles. Special thanks to my friends Anthony Steven Malave, James Rieker, and Brian Koppel of Reel To Real Movie and TV Locations for providing their photos here. The bathroom in the Vista Theatre looks "mostly" the same, with a few renovations. I can't say for sure, but I can't imagine they would replicate wall and floor scheme for a set.

Brian also made a visit to the movie-within-a-movie location for Casey's house, located at 5730 Busch Drive in Malibu, California. Just exterior shots here, but very recognizable, especially the chimney.

As the story transitions to Sidney Prescott, we find her at college. The bulk of the campus scenes were shot at Agnes Scott College, located at 141 East College Avenue in Decatur, Georgia. I visited the campus in September 2016. This first shot is from behind Agnes Scott Hall.

When Sidney leaves her dorm, she is leaving the building east of the building above and exits Inman Hall.

Next we move to the building to the west side of the Agnes Scott Hall as Sidney and Randy exit Rebekah Scott Hall in a long tracking shot.

Here we our first view of the quad area of campus. As I didn't bring a drone to create any high angle shots, I did my best to show how much this area has changed. The entire quad has been leveled out and all the steps and bricks have been removed. The building seen here in the background is McCain Library.

The building Gale Weathers exits is no longer there and has been replaced by the Alston Campus Center, however the building seen behind her is Walters Hall. On the reverse shots, you can see the corner of McCain Library behind Debbie Salt.

As the kids watch the news shenanigans, they are sitting on the brick walls and steps that were re-landscaped in the quad, but I did my best to replicate the views. Unfortunately, Dewey's tree is gone too. You may notice that the streets have all been removed and replaced with sidewalks on the campus here as well.

I didn't quite get some of my gazebo shots lined up correctly, but it is located on the quad just behind Rebekah Scott Hall.

"Did you get that on film?" Sidney has a run-in with Gale outside the gazebo, Buttrick Hall can be seen in the background.

Gale reunites with Dewey and they walk in between Agnes Scott Hall and Rebekah Scott Hall.

A quick night shot of the campus...

Kids must continue to party, but now we jet back to Clifornia. The fraternity house is located at 350 South Grand Avenue in Pasadena, California

The sorority house where Cici gets it is a few miles away, located at 2186 East Crary Street in Altadena, California.

We are back in Georgia at the campus security building, which is actually the back of Rebeka Scott Hall.

Derek tell Sidney he thinks he loves her during lunch. This is an actual dining hall on the Agnes Scott campus at Letitia Pate Evans Hall.

Are you a suspect? Dewey and Randy talk about possible suspects over coffee. We are back in California at the Kerckhoff Coffee House on the UCLA campus at Kerkhoff Hall. (I went one time with too many people to get decent pics, so I got most of these on a day they were closed. The last pic is where you can see what the place looks like when it's hopping.)

Back in Georgia, Gale and Joel argue in front of Buttrick Hall.

The cat and mouse phone scene is hard to replicate as the quad has been re-landscaped so much, but here are a few identifiable areas in the background.

Randy meets his fate in front of Buttrick Hall. Again, no longer a street but a smaller sidewalk here. (Gale has the best scream here!)

A quick campus shot, sans aerial view for my comparison pic of course...

Sidney is apparently doing homework despite a killer on the loose. Here she is at McCain Library on the Georgia campus.

Cotton Weary makes things pretty uncomfortable as he confronts Sidney in the stairwell. This area is slightly different now, but I replicated the shots the best I could manage.

Back to campus security at Rebekah Scott Hall. (Debbie Salt is one of my favorite characters!)

A quick evening shot of Buttrick Hall...

Sidney exits the side of Buttrick Hall so she can get to a safe location. This area has changed a bit with added ramps to be more wheelchair accessible.

They take Sidney all the way to California for the next scene. For a while, this spot had me baffled as it looked like a spot in downtown Decatur, Georgia, but nothing matched up. A couple years ago, I recognized the Mark Piscitelli store in the background, located at 589 East Green Street in Pasadena, California. I have been to this location a couple times, but during my last trip went at night to replicate the shots to not-so-good effect. The main part of the scene takes place on East Green Street between South Oakland Avenue and South Madison Avenue in Pasadena.

Still in California, Gale and Dewey check out the tapes in an auditorium in Humanities Building on the UCLA campus. Special thanks to Brian Koppel of Reel To Real Movie and TV Locations for providing these pictures.

Later, Gale runs out of the same building and runs into Debbie Salt...

Sidney runs across campus to the theatre building, actually Kerkhoff Hall at UCLA.

Interior shots of the theatre were shot at 940 South Figueroa Street, but after the finale, we are back outside at the Kerkhoff Hall steps.

For the final aerial shot, we are back at Agnes Scott College. Sidney steps out of McCain Library and the camera pulls back to reveal the quad and the Agnes Scott Hall.

A few cast members...

Click below for a filming locations map for the Scream movie franchise: