Today marks the 25th anniversary to a particular favorite of mine, Todd Hayne’s SAFE. Although it did premiere at Sundance Film Festival, its wide release occurred on June 30, 1995. Julianne Moore was emerging as an actress and I feel this film pushed her over the edge; her performance is stunning and unforgettable. I visited a few of the locations a few years back and happy to share them below.
The film begins next to another location, Ali’s house from The Karate Kid. Located at 4072 Alonzo Avenue in Encino, California, the opening credits is a driving shot up the street…

Part of this drive also occurs later in the film during the day…..

The exterior of the house is at 3736 Alonzo Avenue.

Her friend’s house is just a few blocks away at 17922 Medley Drive in Encino.

They dry cleaners was located at 4806 Laurel Canyon Boulevard in Valley Village, California.

Although I didn’t get to meet her, I did hear Julianne Moore speak at a special Film Streams event.
Xander Berkeley as her husband.
That’s it for now, but rewatching the film, I’m inspired to visit a few more locations, stay tuned!