For the seventh entry, Wes Craven was brought back into the fold and created the perfect bookend for the series. Personally, this is my favorite of the sequels. Craven was able to capture the terror of Freddy again while giving several nods to fans of the series.
First we'll go to the television studio, located at 4401 Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. I've been working on trying to get in here, schedule permitting. It used to be owned by an actual television studio but was bought by the scientologists. They still do productions however.

The production used the real exteriors of New Line Cinema's headquarters at the time, located at 116 Robertson Boulevard, right across the street from The Ivy.

And we are at Heather's house in the film. Although now the address has been published, I was the first to find it a number of years ago, it is located at 5132 Calvin Avenue in Tarzana, California.

According to the commentary on the laserdisc/DVD, Wes Craven said this is the same cemetery as the first Nightmare On Elm Street, which is not true. Thankfully to deceased Thomas Bones, I was able to track this spot down to the Angelus-Rosedale Cemetery at 1831 W Washington Boulevard.

Some more investigative work to find the "hospital parking garage" but all it took was using some geography to line up the buildings in the background. This is actually the parking garage to a hotel I stayed at during a visit, located at 1177 South Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills, California.

The production used real earthquake damaged areas, like this bridge here, located next to the house at 16401 San Fernando Mission Boulevard in Granada Hills, California.

Thanks to location manager, Marshall Moore, I was able to get to the park located at 620 East Palmer Avenue in Glendale, California. As fans know, the park was just about to undergo major renovation at the time of filming.

Also thanks to Marshall for identifying what was supposed to be Robert Englund’s house, located at 70 South San Rafael Avenue in Pasadena, California. The shot used is the back of the house, but here is the gate at least!

For the freeway scene, Heather drives to the corner of Ramona Avenue and Sentinel Drive in La Verne, California. Here they climb up the embankment to the Foothill Freeway.

One of my favorite moments in the movie is when Heather's house turns into Nancy's house. Production returned to the original location and I was especially proud to see the blue door was back for continuity sake.

I've been fortunate enough to meet many of the cast over the years:

Click below for a map of the entire series’ filming locations.