Today marks the anniversary of Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear, released June 28, 1991. Although some of the jokes have not aged well, this still has good laughs in it throughout.
The Blue Note bar is on the Paramount Studios backlot, located at 5515 Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles. As with most backlot facades, this changes quite a bit over time.

Now we move over to the Warner Bros. backlot, located at 3400 Warner Boulevard in Burbank.

This scene starts at the top of the hill at the corner of Lemoyne and Baxter Streets in the Elysian Heights area of Los Angeles.

The house in the background is at 2101 Lemoyne Street.

OJ speeds down Baxter Street…

… to Lake Shore Avenue.

Yet another backlot for Jane’s apartment. This is at the Warner Bros. Ranch at 411 N Hollywood Way in Burbank.

And finally back to the Warner Bros. Studios backlot.

This facade is right around the corner from the previous location.