Today marks the anniversary of Jurassic Park, released June 11, 1993. I vividly remember going to a sneak preview of this film a few days before it was release and was spellbound, particularly with the t-rex sequence. A couple years ago, I went to Hawaii for the first time and was able to see a few of the film’s locations. (This page is a work-in-progress and I will update it as I get more photos formatted.)
The waterfall is a fantastic spot to start. This is only reachable via helicopter. It is a bit expensive, but worth every penny. We had a great pilot and they even play the Jurassic Park theme as you circle the falls and land. You can see more of this on my video posted here:
These are the Manawaiopuna Falls in the Hanapepe Valley of Kauai.

The raptor paddock is the beautiful Limahuli Garden on Kauai. The visitor center was built after the movie and in roughly the same space as the paddock.

I highly recommend taking the VIP Tour at the Kualoa Ranch (49560 Kamehameha Highway in Ka'a'awa, Oahu). This area was used a couple times in the film. This is all that’s left of the fallen tree, but makes a great photo op!

Dr. Grant and the kids discover “life finds a way” at the National Tropical Botanical Gardens in, Kalaheo. The trees here are stunning and pictures don’t do them justice.

We’ve got Dodgson here! Nedry is eating lunch in this spot near 4-1609 Kuhio HIghway in Kapaa, Kauai.

The iconic gate was in this area, which can only be accessed by a long hike, but here is a view of it from my helicopter tour.

The storm scenes were filmed during an actual hurricane from the production’s hotel. This is the Nāwiliwili Harbor in Kauai.

Couple videos I want to share. First is a part-spoof with some real locations for Jurassic Park:
Set-Jetter was fortunate enough to have a clip included on Google’s new ad, “Find Your Scene.” You can check out my sister, Wendy Patterson, welcoming you to Jurassic Park around the 0:42 mark: