As die-hard of a Friday the 13th fan as I was in the 80's, by the time Jason Takes Manhattan rolled around, it was obvious the series had run it's course. Heavily criticized for taking so long to get to the promised location in the title, this eighty entry still has a few things going for it. Although a few scenes were shot in New York, it was shot mostly around Vancouver, British Columbia; where Mr. Voorhees would later return in Freddy vs. Jason.
For this blog entry, I'm just concentrating on locations I did while in British Columbia. Although this first one technically doesn't count as a "visit" as I just did some driveby shots. When the Lazarus leaves the dock, this was shot in Britannia Beach in British Columbia. I hope to stop next time, it is beautiful out there.

Thanks to leaked call sheets, a lot of the other locations have been documented. A lot of the ships interiors were shot while docked in North Vancouver at this location. (Obviously not screen matched!)

And the next shot is not mine but from Bing Maps. I'm pretty sure the "arriving in New York" dock scenes were shot in the industrial section off Centennial Road in Vancouver, but can't be sure as it is no longer accessible to the public.

Alright, time to get to "New York City"!! Most of the locations are shot in a one-block spot in the Gastown area of Vancouver. Centered mostly around the diner, which was located at 156 West Hastings Street and the alley behind it. This alley is where Julie has his first confrontation with Jason.

The "diner" building also appears to be the same rooftop used Julius literally gets his head knocked off.

In that same spot of the alley is where the majority of the other scenes take place. Here is where Colleen is startled by a gun-happy NYPD officer.

Same alley, nearly same spot, where they attempt to run over Jason.

And here is the spot where poor Colleen meets her fiery fate, an offshoot of the same alley.

And finally Mr. McCulloch gets whats coming to him at this spot in the alley....

As for the diner itself, it's been completely renovated, but here is what the outside looks like now....

I finally got around to the subway entrance on my last visit to Vancouver. This is around 645 Seymour Street.