I'm a huge fan of the Halloween series,however, Halloween: Resurrection is easily the worst of the worst, the only thing I liked about this sequel was the return of Laurie Strode's hair. Otherwise, this entry is an embarrassment to the series, which is surprising as Rick Rosenthal did an admiral job with the first sequel, Halloween II in 1981.
Shot in and around Vancouver, I checked out a few locations while visiting in 2013. The Grace Andersen Sanitarium was shot at Riverview Hospital in Coquitlam, British Columbia.

The University of British Columbia stood in for Haddonfield University.

The 2400 Motel is located at 2400 Kingsway in Vancouver.

The clothing store is at 4881 Mackenzie Street in Vancouver.

The Myers house was built in a studio, but the surrounding street scenes are real. It would have stood at 2073 Parker Street in Vancouver. I finally got around to visiting this street on my last trip!

However, for some reason I didn’t go down to the trick-or-treat house is at 2047 Parker Street, but Google streetview shot here for comparison.

I've been fortunate enough to meet some of the cast and crew of the Halloween series over the years:

For fans wanting to make the trek to locations, I keep a map updated with all known Halloween locations, click the pic below!