Halloween: Showdown
As my original post for Halloween: H20 was over 1600 pictures and took a long time to load, I decided to split it up into separate scenes to make it easier and quicker for pictures to load:
Keri enters the estate through the main door...
...and down the hallway, briefly pausing in front of the classroom...
As she continues down the hall, Michael shows off amazing arm strength as he lowers himself from an overhead pipe.
Keri runs into the ballroom which has now transformed into the cafeteria.
Michael drops the ax into the floor here...
Michael follows Keri into the ballroom....
Keri hides under the tables.... and yes, you got to nerd out while you are there, of course!
Keri stabs Michael with a flag pole before retreating out the side door...
The stairwell is in the basement of the mansion leading up to another back room.
NEXT SCENE: The Kitchen