This movie was truly a dream come true as I thought another Halloween sequel was out of the question, especially after the Myers-less last entry. Though nothing can hold up to the original, the creators of Halloween 4 crafted a great film that capture a lot of the spirit and new fun to the series. Plus, Dr. Loomis is back, fans couldn't ask for anything more. And once that theme song kicked in five minutes into the film, I about peed my pants!
The first of the new trilogy to be shot in the Salt Lake City area, I visited a few locations in 2008 while on a trip to the Sundance Film Festival, but I returned in July 2017 to fully visit locations. First up are some shots used in the opening title sequence. These are all north of Ogden, Utah. For exact locations, check out my Halloween Locations Map.

As the titles continue, we follow an ambulance that appears to be going around the Memory Grove Pond on Bonneville Road in Salt Lake City.

The ambulance arrives at Ridgemont Sanitarium. This building has quite the history and various uses through the years, but after much renovation it is now condos. It is located at 400 Capitol Park Avenue in Salt Lake City. The last picture in the gallery was provided by Kevin Wellard where you can see how the building looked prior to renovations and more like it appears in the film.

The back of the building is completely different and a second brick building seen in the background is now totally gone.

The ambulance continues its fateful journey, back on the same Bonneville Road as earlier.

We find Jamie Lloyd at her house, but we first see her point of view across the street. The ambulance is parked in front of a coffee shop, located at 502 3rd Avenue in Salt Lake.

The next morning and with the holiday, the camera tracks up the street to the Carruthers house, located at 509 3rd Avenue in Salt Lake City.

The ambulance crash site is just outside of Ogden on Highway 39 between Highway 126 and South 2900 West.

Here on Highway 39 is the spot where they drive down to check out the crash scene.

The area has lots of trash around and is overgrown so many of the shots can't easily be replicated.

No, I didn't wade into the water to recreate this shot....

One of the great cinematographic shots of the bridge...

If you don't find him in four hours, I will....

The next location is Penny's Cafe, which is one of the few I did not visit on this trip as it has been renovated so much and was out of the way for the day. However, fellow Halloween fan and local Utahn Kevin Wellard provided his pictures for this section before the renovation while it still looked like it did in the film. Penney's is located at 7760 Highway 36 in Stockton, Utah.

Dr. Loomis arrives at the same station and makes a gruesome discovery....

At the time of Kevin's shots, the interior had some minor renovations, but parts are still recognizable, especially the cupboards area where Michael is standing.

Jamie's school has had continual renovations over the years. These first shots are from my visit in 2008. Unfortunately, this section of the school and door no longer exist. The school is located at 1300 East 700 South in Salt Lake City

The next shots were taken in 2017 as this spot still exists. This is on the East 700 South side of the school.

Lindsey (!) and Rachel pick up Jamie from school at this location just a few blocks from the school. They turn from East 800 South onto East Elizabeth Street in Salt Lake City.

They arrive at drugstor, located at 7696 Main Street in Midvale, Utah. I got to this location a few months too late, as they have now removed the memorable "Vincent Drug" sign. The interiors of the drug store were a different location at 1260 Vine Street in Murray, Utah.

Another location I did not do on this trip to timing and logistics is the spot where Dr. Loomis is hitchhiking. I've provided some Google-map views for reference, but this is located on the northbound side of Interstate 84 south of Ogden, just before Exit 85.

Halloween night! This shot is in the City Creek Canyon area of Salt Lake where a large chunk of the filming took place. This particular shot is around 48th Avenue and Canyon Road looking northeast.

We return to the Carruthers' house where Rachel and Jamie prepare to go trick or treating.

Jamie trick or treats several blocks away at 278 and 282 Canyon Road.

The next stop is about a mile away, Sheriff Meeker's house at 607 2nd Avenue in Salt Lake.

Michael watches, but he must have amazing vision as this garage is over a mile away at East Spencer Court and Canyon Side Road.

The Meeker house is a great location. Jamie decides to go trick or treating with her new friends.

"So you hop on the next best thing? I thought you were different than other guys."

"Brady, are you coming in or what?"

Rachel looks for Jamie on this short block of Canyon Side Road in the City Canyon area of Salt Lake City.

Earl's Oasis Bar is another spot I didn't visit as it no longer exists. It was located at 9350 West Bingham Highway in Copperton, Utah. I've provided some old Google-streetview pictures for reference.

The "Boba Fett" of the series has to be "Bucky" who is a favorite of Halloween fans. The electric plant is located at 7620 Holden Street in Midvale, Utah, just a few blocks from Vincent Drug.

The first house to lose electricity is a couple houses down from the Carruthers at 521 3rd Avenue.

This Michael isn't messing around this time...

The next house to lose electricity is right next to the Carruthers at 515 3rd Avenue.

Parents race to pick up their kids. Here we are back on Canyon Road with houses 218 and 214 primarily in the shot.

Rachel searches for Jamie and we are still in the City Canyon area. She is walking on Canyon Side Road, the garage behind her belongs to the house at 218 Canyon Road. The garage to the left is the same one we saw earlier that Michael was peeking from behind.

Another point of view as Rachel passes the same garage.

In the reverse shot is the garage Michael was peeking around earlier on East Spencer Court.

The next shot threw me for a loop for a minute, but this is actually the much-seen 214 Canyon Road house on the right, but the house next to it doesn't match up to the house that is actually there. It seems they actually reversed the shot, which would make sense for the next shot...
Where the house is seen again with a different house next to it.
Here we also get a quick shot of this alley, but we'll come back to that in a minute...
We don't travel far for the next shot where the 214 Canyon Road house is seen in the background to the right.
Jamie continues to look for Rachel with a great jackolantern on the porch of this house at 236 Canyon Road.

Rachel is just up the street on Canyon Side Road again...

I was amazed that this garage is nearly identical as it appeared in the film. We are in the alley here, but this garage belongs to the house at 252 Canyon Road. I absolutely LOVE that they still have wood and scraps piled against the garage in the same manner.

Rachel runs down this driveway to escape Michael, but now there is no fence to stop her.

Rachel runs through the houses. The one to the left is the same one they were trick or treating at earlier, 278 Canyon Road.

Jamie is just a few houses away down the street...

... as she peers around the corner of the house at 236 Canyon Road.

Jamie is in front of the houses around 238 and 244 Canyon Road. The house seen out of the focus in the background is 248 Canyon Road.

Dr. Loomis and the police find them just in time. The building seen in the background is Salt Lake City Ottinger Hall at 233 Canyon Road.

I didn't get a good shot of this house as it looks a bit different plus there were men there the whole time. This is the house we've seen several times before at 278 Canyon Road. For some reason, there is no longer a window near the back of the house.

The other house where a pseudo-Michael Myers is standing is 238 Canyon Road.

Luckily Dr. Loomis doesn't inadvertently cause any deaths this time (RIP Ben Tramer) and they whisk away....

...I'm assuming this is the same street, but not sure as there are not too many clues.

Darn it, I missed this location by several months as well. The Haddonfield Police Department was located at 655 West Center in Midvale, Utah. Nothing left but some rocks right now, but the houses across the street are still there.

This officer leaves his post at the Carruthers' house and strangely, the parents don't seem to see that a police cruiser just peeled out of their driveway seconds before they pull up.

Earl and the gang think they spot Myers here at the entrance to Memory Grove Park at 300 Canyon Road.

"Shit, Earl, it's Ted Hollister." This WWI memorial in Memory Grove Park is the spot where Ted Hollister becomes the Ben Tramer of the movie.

We are back at the Meeker house, but the back door is not enclosed with a new brick structure.

One of the best sequences was the rooftop chase, which was filmed primarily in the studio for safety concerns obviously, but the left side of the house is used for many shots. Did anyone else think they killed Rachel the first time they saw this?

Jamie flees Michael, but seemingly ignores her own house behind her, and instead runs across the lawn of 513 3rd Avenue.

Jamie continues to run down the sidewalk of 3rd Avenue...

...until Dr. Loomis finds here... yes, you guessed it, in front of the house at 214 Canyon Road.

We are back at the school and the door we saw earlier, but now no longer exists. Special thanks to Halloween fan Ryan Redden for providing an interior shot during his visit.

I forgot to get this shot during my visit, but when Earl and the gang hear the school alarm, they are in front of the house at 272 Canyon Road.

At the school, they are rescued by Earl. This area was actually at the back of the school, but again, no longer exists.

A quick shot of where swingsets used to be on the side of the school.
For the ending, I'm guessing it was all shot around Bonneville Road, but I couldn't find too much to match up due to the darkness and fog used in the film.

And finally we end at the Carruthers' house at 509 3rd Avenue...

Throughout my travels, I have gone to some horror movie conventions and specifically the Halloween ones. Below are some of the cast I have met over the years

For fans wanting to make the trek to locations, I keep a map updated with all known Halloween locations, click the pic below!